Sunday, November 30, 2014


I have tried to keep my opinions of this situation to myself, seeming that everyone in the world has found their own opinion and a way to announce to the world that it is, in fact, the correct point of view. However, like everyone else, I also have an opinion. What happened in Ferguson is another unfortunate incident of a white male shooting a black male. This just seems all familiar to me. While many people take this as an act of racism, there is much more under lying here. What the cop felt when he pulled that trigger could have been fear, not hatred. He could fear black men for the stigma that society places on them. Now that the verdict is set for Officer Wilson, people feel as though he is not being tried equally because of the races of the Jury, leaning in Wilson's favor. However, I don't think that this is the case. I think that Wilson didn't go after Brown thinking I'm going to kill this Black man because I can get away with it. While people may feel that the judicial system is being played, I think it's important to also realize that this isn't a clear cut case. There is a lot of ambiguity that comes along with the actual events that happened in Ferguson and unfortunately we may never know the entire truth.

Publication opportunities.

One website that I found that would publish something similar what we have done in class is the American Journalism Review, which publishes a variety of Journalistic Essays ranging from news stories to common, entertainment stories. You can submit to this site by emailing the editor at
Another place I found that accepts submissions is the local paper, Carriage Town News. This paper/website features the newest news and journalism on what is going on in today's world. You can email that editor, Blaisdell, in order to be considered for publication.

Book Club Final

As I ended the book, I was left with a lot of knowledge and interest in the Saudi Arabian women. We have discussed many things in the book club meetings, however, the main thing that we found important to convey is the severity of women's mistreatment and lack of rights in Saudi Arabia. This is something that the entire groups feels need to be conveyed to the class for maximum understanding of the book. Thus, in our final project, a lot of time is going to be used to cover the dress and the stories of these mistreated women. This will cover the themes of the book as well as the writing style.We also want to focus on how the Author developed the writing style of the book, and where the writing style portrays to the reader. Mainly, How does the first person approach that Sasson takes on change the original stories that were told? Where does the book lie between truth and Fiction?